
Então vamos fazer assim:

Se for pra escrachar, vai em português mesmo. Primeiro pq tem gente que lê e não sabe inglês. E fica beeem mais engraçado em português. Em inglês fica engraçadinho.
Agora sério. Eu acordei hj e só aconteceu bizarrice na minha vida. Sério mesmo!
Primeiro fui numa reunião, tinha uma lesma na minha frente (em outro carro), num de deixava passar de jeito nenhum, sabe aqueles que quando vê que vc tá qse ultrapassando, joga o carro na frente do tipo "eu vou sair da frente" e aí qdo vc volta pra outra pista, ele volta tb?? Pois é. Mandei um "vai tomar no cu, porra!", acho que o velho ficou sem graça e acabou saindo.
Aí fui a uma reunião de manhã, e quando tava voltando pra firma, na estrada, eu vi JESUS! Não é metaforicamente, não, nem pq eu passei por uma força de expressão devido uma experiência de quase morte. Eu LITERALMENTE vi Jesus! Sério, tinha um cara no meio da D. Pedro carregando uma cruz de madeira enorme nas costas, vestido de Jesus, com coroa e tudo. E o pior é que eu só consegui pensar "Merda, esqueci minha câmera!"...parecia ilusão de ótica, mas bastante gente viu. Será que era pegadinha? Será que era pra ver se alguém parava o carro na estrada pra ajudar "Jesus"? Fiquei com medo de parar, tava ameaçando chover.
Aí cheguei aqui, mais 10 minutos pro meu pc resolver funcionar, me chamam pra conversar numa sala de reunião. Quase caguei nas calças. Explico: um monte de gente foi demitido daqui, do nada. Cheguei lá, já preparando minhas defesas a la Aprendiz com Roberto Justus e era só o cartão de vale alimentação que tinha chegado e a mulherzinha tava explicando como funcionava.
Fiz uma parte das minhas tarefas, tenho mais algumas pro período da tarde, aí depois do almoço tava lendo o site do Terra, e o que eu vejo? Mais uma notícia bizarra: "Jovem morre após cair de brinquedo em parque" . Merda, aí que quase me caguei. Fui num parquinho com uma amiga um dia desses. Poderia ter sido eu!
Mas ainda bem que hoje é sexta-feira e graças a Deus, vou chegar em casa intacta no final do dia.


Sex & Scandal

After the notorious and scandalous video that came out public with Dani Cicarelli, Ronaldinho "Fênomeno" felt that he needed revenge. So, he went to a beach with a "bitch", and proved that he can actually be lower than his ex-wife!

Now, the latest gossips in our country:
  • Deborah Secco still thinks she can make people believe she and Falcão are together.
  • Flávia Alessandra announced she's getting married to Otaviano Costa. Seriously.
  • Sandy and the Lima guy are no longer a couple. And she's announcing she's gonna spend the next carnaval in Bahia, w/ Ivete. I soooooooo wanna see that.
  • Suzana Vieira is also getting married. Yeah, i know, she really is like 100 years old...
  • Henri Castelli is in real trouble... he went to a bar last night w/ a couple of girls and a friend. Once he saw the papparazzi, he quickly went home. I wish i knew how Isabelli Fontana actually treats him!

That's about it. I'm now listening to my cds (i only got 2 of the bunch, but i'm pretty sure the rest will come today!) :)


"Nobody knows where they micht end up!"

Since it's my lunch hour and i don't have that much shit to do, here i am to do another one of my extremely anoying post.

Today i'm gonna talk about why the best time to leave work is 5:45 pm. Think, if you leave by 5 pm there'll be a lot of people joining your ass on the road, which makes your trip dangerous. If you leave by 6 pm, you'll meet w/ a lot of students that are going to school, and you know how this kids can be, right? Even more dangerous.

Don't have a lot to talk. I'm mostly doing shit, listening to music and chating with others on orkut. Seriously, sometimes i feel like i have the best job in the whole world. I have 3 errands to do due today. And the rest of my shit til' the end of the week. Can it be more piece of cake?

Have you guys seen the 1st and 2nd epis of Grey's Anatomy??? I know i talked about it last post, but they're sooooooooo good! Can't wait till friday for a brand new. Except - oh crap i just thought about this! - there won't be a brand new episode... only one I already seen!! Can the world be any crueler??

I was going to post some gossip... but i forgot i deleted all of my celeb pics from my pc. Sorry guys! :(


"Canta para mim, qualquer coisa assim sobre você"

"Abre os teus armários eu estou a te esperar,
Para ver deitar o sol sobre os teus braços, castos
Cobre a culpa vã, até amanhã eu vou ficar,
E fazer do teu sorriso um abrigo
Canta que é no canto que eu vou chegar
Canta o teu encanto que é pra me encantar
Canta para mim, qualquer coisa assim sobre você
Que explique a minha paz, tristeza nunca
Mais vale o meu pranto que este canto em solidão,
Nesta espera o mundo gira em linhas tortas
Abre essa janela a Primavera quer entrar
Pra fazer da nossa voz uma só nota
Canto que é de canto que eu vou chegar,
Canto e toco um tanto que é pra te encantar
Canto para mim, qualquer coisa assim sobre você
Que explique a minha paz, tristeza nunca mais!" - Los Hermanos
Awwwwww... i went to the Los Hermanos concert this weekend... it was AWESOME! They have all this cute songs about love, and even though they're kinda fugly, i just can't help loving them.
So, in one of my shopaholic crisis this morning, i couldn't stop myself from buying ALL of their cds. It cost me about $73 with delivery costs included. Soooo cheap. And some of the cds i can't find on stores. I'm guessing my boyfriend is gonna call me a freak once he sees my brand new stuff. I don't care. I loved it!
I haven't figured out how to post in pictures in this messed up blogger beta shit. I hope they manage something up quickly, cuz i'm not in the mood of opening a flickr account again. Even though i already have one (can't figure out how to post in my weblog. And i don't want people checking my life out. I already have an Orkut account for that shit!
But priceless were the Ivete Sangalo concert i went on saturday. Seriously, that girl is awesome. I had one of the best times ever! Lots of pictures in my orkut account.
And i watched 2 brand new episodes of Grey's Anatomy this weekend. Somehow Canadian TV messed up and showed episode 2 instead of 1, and USA TV showed the right one. So i was able to download from bitorrent on saturday morning! Weeeeeepeeeeeee!!!
Talk to you later. Have to work now!



Seriously, i don't have anything else to do with my life. I spend all my days and night doing shit w/ my life and looking for celebrity gossips. And i kinda like that. For instance, have you seen this picture of Baby Shilos a little older than the last one i posted?? No??? So check it out!
Cute, huh???
Well, this is mostly a test, this stupid blogger beta thing don't allow me to send opictures in, so i am trying to do it by e-mail.


E se você quiser saber pra onde eu vou...

Ok, ok, i know that i said i'd write only in English... but title is not an actual text is it?? hehe
Not a lot going on. Had a pretty cool afternoon yesterday with one of my best friends and we actually had some fun. Even though i almost died in the end of the afternoon cuz my head was about to explode, i can say i didn't have that much fun in years.
Have you heard about Anna Nicolle's happiness and loss??? Man, i'm still shocked about the fact that she gave birth to a little girl and then his 20 year-old son died right after. How bizarre can that be??
Seriously. Now doctors say they think he died from non-natural causes. Could it be drugs??
Dunno. Meanwhile, Brit gave birth to another boy. Just 2 day before Sean Preston's first bitrhday. Now seriously: don't i have anything better to talk about??
I'll go try and have something good to talk about. then i come back and report it to you. :D


Crocodile Hunter

From now on, this will be an English blogger. I'm only allowed to write in english, in order to keep myself updated.
Anyways, i'm still shocked about the "Crocodile Hunter" dying yesterday. Seriously, can you be more unlucky than that??
I mean, right now we're here, feeding this 12 ft crocodile with my month yr-old in my arms, the next thing you know there's this huge sea monster or whatever kills you!!
Anyway, RIP Steve Irwin. I really liked your show :(